Episode 2: Create Your Healthiest, Most Nourishing Year | Getting Your Mind In Sync With Your Goals

This time of year many women go back to dieting and restricting food in order to create a certain result on the scale.

Often these methods do not feel good to them, but they try them anyway.

In this episode you learn:

  • An alternative strategy to help you create your healthiest, most nourishing year in a way that is through your true choice (not forced restriction) and through your own command and mastery.
  • How to choose the right thoughts and beliefs to support the behaviors you desire, so that your desired behaviors become embodied, i.e., just "who you are".
  • A detailed example of how to go from a woman who... binges on cookies... to becoming a woman who can eat one and be done.
  • A simple process that allows you to choose one small step to start now around your eating, which can build into unstoppable momentum one practice at a time.

Here's to embodying your healthiest, most nourished self in 2023

Thanks for being here!


Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

Food Freedom-Body Bliss Self-Study Course: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com/ffbb

Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

Email: [email protected]