Episode 47: Client Share | From Food Struggle & Self-Loathing To Food Freedom, Self-Love, & Feeling Like a Truly Nourished Woman

On this week's episode, we celebrate a past client who openly talks about her relationship with food and the impact of our work together.

She shares about:

-Her past relationship with food and past relationship with herself, and what both of those looked like.

-How being an overachiever played into the food dynamic.

-How dieting impacted her.

And the new things that started to happen as we worked together such as…

...feeling so much better about herself,

...learning to feed her mind nourishing thoughts and the significant positive impact this had on her life,

...how she started to naturally make different food choices without using control or restrictive methods,

...how releasing perfection and black-and-white thinking improved so many things for her.

She also shares about enjoying a new level of certainty and self-trust around being her own authority with her eating and body.

And something I love… she mentions how this work is the "forever fix" for finding inner and outer peace with food.

Lastly… she discusses the beauty, joy, and freedom of coming out of self-loathing and into genuine self-love.

This episode is so inspiring, don't miss it! 


If you want more information on The Peace Process to find your inner and outer peace with food, send me a DM on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

Free Email Course: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

Email: [email protected]