Episode 48: How We Approach Food - Love vs. Fear - The Impact That Has On How We Feel & What We Do
The emotional energy from which we make our choices is what makes those choices either work for us or against us.
How we approach food - love vs. fear - greatly impacts how we feel, how much we think about food, and the way we end up eating food.
Fear can look like:
Believing there are rules of how one should eat food.
Believing there are good foods or bad foods.
Believing there are right foods and wrong foods
Believing there are foods I should eat, and foods I should not eat.
Believing things like.... "If I eat this, I will gain weight" or "If I eat this I'm doing something wrong".
Believing there is a right time to eat or a wrong time to eat.
Along with fears are often self-judgments or comparisons to how others eat.
Approaching food from this energy of fear creates behaviors in our eating that we don't desire.
It also creates mental stress and food noise in our head that depletes us of focus.
In this week's episode I share how we can shift the fear into LOVE.
So that we can create standards around our eating that spiral us upward into feeling more health, energy, vibrancy, and true nourishment.
When we approach food from an energy of love, it becomes something that helps us live our best life and to feel like a Truly Nourished woman.
Rather than something that causes us stress, frustration, guilt, or overwhelm.
Listen in to better understand the fear vs. love dynamic so that you can find greater feelings of ease, peace, and freedom in your relationship with food.